Fake Money, Fake Borders, Real People


I have no binds to a political party. I find myself neither Democratic, Republican, Conservative, nor liberal.

Politicians remind me of preachers. They shout words that fall on deaf ears and preach a message that many “amen” after hearing, but very few apply to real life.

So, where do I pledge my political allegiance?


I pledge my allegiance to the people. I see no race, no religion, no political parties and no borders.

We are all people.

When bullets brought down Malaysian Flight 17, the social networks, news and media, exploded with excitement. We tweeted, blogged, liked, shared and pinned, any article or video that voiced our own views and racism. (Yes, racism.) Then, we waited for the next post as if it was another clue for mastering the plan behind the conspiracy and chaos.

We did the same thing when the Pakistani Taliban murdered 132 children. It took less than 24 hours for the hashtag to stop trending. That made me contemplate how many people groan, complain and debate, shake their heads and raise their fists. Then, do absolutely nothing to help make changes.

I couldn’t help but wonder how that number would compare to the number of people who actually speak out, defend and protect one another. Then, make a point to get involved in and make a difference.

Angry debates over political agendas, social media rants and mudslinging at politicians, are nothing but opinion, noise and speculation.

Good for causing a scene —
ineffective in making a difference.

When we watch the news, how do we know if the information we’re receiving is factual? Where do we get our information? Our television and online.

Who controls the content? Who says if it is or is not allowed on air? The law governed by those in power who rank higher than the people.

We don’t care. If Twitter or Facebook said it, we buy the hype, spread the word, rally the troops and blame Obama!

Meanwhile, as we’re misplacing the blame and tossing our allegations around, there’s a real threat running rampant.

It’s Us

The threat that is looming over every country in the world is people.

We are walking around in a world filled with ammunition and pretending that nothing is wrong.

We’re silent enemies masked as lovers—
sleeping with guns.

When tragedy strikes our nation, I listen closely to the people as they express their opinions and fears.

When tragedy strikes a foreign country, I listen even closer to the hearts and the words of the American people. When we hear of terrorism, murder and war, happening in those countries, all of the sudden we’re reminded to protect ourselves.

We begin begin to advocate for border control and debate religion, morals and money. We only stop to lend a hand for one reason:

It impacts our imports and exports—
our money.

The more people, the bigger the nation. But we have guns as locks instead and our feet firmly planted. It’s petty. Before we drew our lines in the sand, stood behind them and declared them as borders, we were all the same:

The world.


We sing about the kindness and beauty of America, and we raise our flags, cover our hearts and pledge our allegiance.

Then, what will we do? Line our borders, raise our guns, and slam our doors.

The Star-Spangled Banner, we sing it with pride:

“O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

But we don’t mean the words, we just sing the song.

Therefore, when we hear of immigrants coming to our country and building homes on our land while imposing on our job market, and as we watch them walk down our streets and dare to chase our American dream…

What do our voices ring?

This is our country!
These are our borders!
This is our land!

In the meantime, while we are preoccupied bitching about money and illegal immigrants, idealizing scandals and theories, or rallying behind our opinions as we claim them as causes…

While we’re sharing every article, post, video and meme, that comes our way and as we shake our heads in disgust over issues, let’s face it, we really know nothing about…

While our eyes are glued to Twitter, Facebook, iPhones and television, in a final “brave and heroic attempt” to save the world…

While we remain preoccupied with other countries outside of our own and cross their borders whether we’re invited or not…

While we’re acting like children who cannot share the sandbox at recess. guarding our borders, justifying our biases and greed as we flaunt our artillery and power…

While we’re pointing fingers at everyone from the president to the governor; the IRS to school teachers; at Wall Street and religion; our home state to the senate, law enforcement, terrorists, foreign countries, even allies! (Depending on what social media tells us!)

While we stand up to defend our freedom while simultaneously abandoning our responsibility as people . . .

Somewhere in the world, there’s an illegal immigrant desperately trying to cross our borders and become an American.


Lisa Haven writes:

Our economy is unstable as it is; we have no money and no resources to support this influx. So why do it?

Well, there is the obvious and small (huge) factor of people. We can’t afford the influx caused by immigration? Bullshit. We have no money? Bullshittoo!

Our money is paper. It’s the same as Monopoly money. Except, we looked at our fake 10s, 20s, & 100s, deemed them necessary and declared them valuable. Now, we distribute the funds as we see necessary or fit.

We determined we needed currency to thrive. Now, we choke on the fear that money is only way to triumph over the economic landslide that’s become of our Monopoly board.

We can’t afford more people? Wrong. We’ll just print more money!

It’s just that you and I won’t see it or even be informed. We’ll continue to be told how the sky is falling, the world is ending, war is coming, and the end is near.

Then, we will do exactly as predicted and needed so that those who govern our nation can maintain the guise of control — live in fear.

One monstrous, manipulative clusterfuck of a carnival,
and we just keep buying a ticket to the show!

We, the people.

It’s time to realize it takes more than unfounded accusations, passionate opinions, social media and exploitation, to create real changes.

It takes abandoning our personal preferences, judgement and pride. It takes willingness. courage and conversation. It takes action.

We would destroy ourselves with our very
own hands, before we would allow our financial
or economic demise to come at the hands
of another country.

There is much to be said by that.

Thanks for reading!

By Grace

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